Question Types
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You’ll get the right answers, if you ask the rights questions
Browse our wide variety of Question Types to help you create infinite possibilities of surveys and possible data outcomes. Get a quick understanding of what each question type can do for your survey and help collection better, actionable data and insights.
Web & Mobile Question Types

Short Text
Get quick 1 line responses with free text (alphanumeric)

Text Box
Get longer responses with multiple lines of free text (alphanumeric)

Multiple Choice
Get multiple responses to a question from 2 to 8 preset values. Optionally you can ‘Allow Other’ to gather free text as well

Radio Box
Get a single response to a question from 2 to 8 preset values. Optionally you can ‘Allow Other’ to gather free text as well

Slider Rating
Also known as ‘Likert Scale’, create a selection scale from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 with a default interval value of 1

Star Rating
Allow the respondent to answer by selecting between 1 to 5 stars. Generally depicting 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest

Net Promoter Score®
Create a default NPS® question type to collect a quick recommendation score for your brand

Image Select
Upload from 2 to 4 images to collect feedback on any 1 choice

Drop Down
Create up to 100 values (1 per line) to collect a single response option

Create 2 answer values for a respondent to choose from

Email Address
The response must be a valid email address

Date Capture
The response must be a Date Selection. User sees a calendar pop up for Web and Mobile to browse and select

Mobile Number
The response must be a valid mobile number (numeric only)

Smiley Rating
The respondent can select from 5 smileys. 1 being the saddest and 5 being the happiest.

Showcase a PDF (Brochure/Catalogue/Flyer). This question type does not collect a response

Create a grid of X and Y values to allow the respondent to choose from. Add up to 5 labels and 5 options each
Mobile only Question Types

Capture audio recordings using a start/stop feature. Microphone access required on the iOS/Android device to use this question type.

Image Capture
This question type utilizes the mobile device’s camera to click a picture as a response.

QR Code Capture
This question type utilizes the mobile device’s camera to scan for a QR Code and submit the scanned data as a response

Signature Capture
Use the mobile device’s touchscreen to allow the respondent to ‘sign’ using a stylus or their finger. Responses are seen an image file

Unique ID Card Scanner
This question type utilizes the mobile device’s camera to scan for a QR/Bar Code and submit the scanned data as a response
Default Features

Mandatory Answering
Check ‘Required’ to make answering a question mandatory by the survey respondent

Question Hint
Add some text to help the survey respondent understand the question better thereby making your response quality higher

Other Option
Certain question types which have the option of Preset Answer Values also have the option for the respondent to select Other and enter free text

Add any of our preset validation options to ensure responses are appropriate and do not require additional formatting

Character Count
Enter a higher amount of characters allowed in a response

Image Before Question
Add an optional Image before question type to allow the survey respondent to see a visual before answering the survey question
Contact Form

Default Fields
Survtapp Contact Forms have the following default fields with standard validation: Name, Email and Mobile

Custom Fields
You can add any number of custom field labels and choose from preset validation options to ensure high quality response data is collected
Net Promoter®, NPS®, NPS Prism®, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Net Promoter Score℠ and Net Promoter System℠ are service marks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.