Using a Kiosk App for Automating Customer Feedback Collection

As a marketer, time and again, you will need to reach out to your customers for their views and reviews. While not giving due importance to conducting a thorough market survey before launching a new product is out of question, you must also realise how regular customer feedback helps in marketing it along the way. Therefore, it is as important to choose an effusively suitable survey mode, as it is to design an effective customer satisfaction survey.
What make a mobile kiosk app stand out?
Imagine going back to the time when we had to pay our banks cumbersome visits and fill out those annoying forms – not to mention the never-ending queues – for even the smallest jobs like depositing or withdrawing cash. And then, in came the era of the ATMs and everything changed for good! For pretty much obvious reason, it seems that we have fallen in love with the new-age, interactive, easy-to-use, precise and swift kiosks that make our lives so much better than the by gone time.
Something similar happens when it comes to collecting user responses through customer feedback apps and a mobile kiosk app such as Survtapp, therefore, stands out as a clear winner over traditional means like pen & paper.
Kiosk Mode and its influence on Consumer Behaviour
Kiosks take much less time: Yes, there was a time when pen & paper were the most obvious tools for collecting customer responses, which is why they have had their time and have been nearly over used in almost all market surveys. But the biggest drawback with this conventional means is all the time that a responder has to put in for filling out all the answers, more or less giving the customer the feeling of an examination going on.
With kiosks rolling in, this was changed forever, with the simple finger touches that take split seconds to record customer responses.
Self Help: Unless you have an exceptionally well crafted, self-explanatory customer feedback app to be downloaded and responded to by all your target audience, any measure you take to swell up your bag of consumer feedback, would require a little human intervention at some point.
Thankfully, with the ever-interactive kiosk app technology, it’s more like talking to a surveyor itself. For example only if you say that yes, you have used a certain product X, you will be asked the next few questions about X. This would save you the trouble of being faced with an entire survey sheet with 20 questions on X, Y, Z, each – which you might not even know what to do with if you haven’t used these products.
Ease of Use: If you ever had to fill up those olden forms at some medicine store or at an audition, etc., you know how you’d wished for it to be asked for on a PC or a tab or even a smartphone. The reason is that pen & paper learn absolutely nothing from consumer behaviour and you’d have to repeat every piece of information every single time.
Now this is something that a kiosk excels at. Customers get automated options to simply choose from. For instance, if you fill your name once, it auto-fill any other field asking your name, it would give you a list of all probable choices anywhere possible, radio buttons, default answers and a million things more to make your life so much better.
Unmanned Responses foster Genuine Feedback and Data: Highlighted by the fact that kiosks are as easy to use as smartphones, which these days are a thing of beauty found even in the hands of the new-age toddlers, a mobile kiosk app is surely the next big thing in market research.
As with kiosks, only at times like maintenance purposes, minimal human intervention is needed, people are more drawn towards submitting their most honest concerns or suggestions. This again is made further smooth by Survtapp’s ‘survey on loop’ feature that automatically sets out new forms one after another, when a customer fills up one – without having a human attendee to do so.
Customers are relieved of No Data Corruption: Facing a hard time trying to understand the hand-writing of one particular customer, painfully taking ‘manan’ to be ‘naman’ or mistakenly sending an invite for an exclusive bridal show to Riya when it was Priya who really wanted to go – miscommunication or human error will somehow find its way deep into your data.
Not with kiosks mode, no! List the right names, the right e-mail IDs and certainly the right spellings as soon as you’ve collected a customer feedback form. And hence, while it is reassuring for the surveyors, it is also comforting for the customers to know that they’ll get duly notified on the correct IDs about anything related to their favourite product/ service.