How Surveys can help Win Back your Customers?

Most of us have already read our management books or at least heard about the 80-20 rule. In terms of business it simply means that ‘as much as 80 percent of your sales or revenues are generated from as few as 20 percent of your customers’.
So, quite obviously, it is very important for any business, including yours, to keep those 20 percent of your customers happy, satisfied and most of all loyal. When you invest your resources into a suitable customer feedback app to keep a check on your present customers’ satisfaction status, rest assured, you are still spending a very nominal amount in comparison to what you would be spending to bring in a new customer.
If somehow, despite all your retention strategies you start losing a few customers, you can try one simple step that can help you win them back. How? Here are a few points how a good Customer Satisfaction Survey can help you win back your customers:
Revive the Lost Touch:Most of the times companies give up on their previous customers by believing that approaching them again would be a lost cause or that they are gone forever. A simple email survey form you can rekindle your connect with your old buyers, almost immediately. Reading a short survey mail from your company, sets your old customers thinking about the good work relations he may have had with you.
Show that you Care: When you listen to your customers’ concerns with a Customer Satisfaction Survey and act promptly to deliver every possible remedy, you convey to your customers – current and lost, that they are important to you. Further, to add to your strategy to build customer loyalty add little perks like a short questionnaire which your responder can even skip to straightaway speak out his/ her heart in a feedback text field, within minutes.
Find out Why they Left: It goes without saying that to figure out a way to ‘patch-up’ with your old customers, you must first zero in on what caused the ‘break-up’ in the first place. A customer feedback app can work as a great tool in this regard. Just create a custom survey for your previous customers, based on the services or products they were interested in, the time period in which they were with you, etc. A personalized e-mail saying ‘We miss you!’, carrying a link to your survey should be well received and responded to.
Chalk out What they Liked: Most people or survey experts would recommend you to send customer feedback forms to your lost pals with an aim of gaining knowledge about why they chose to part ways with your brand. While this completely makes sense to help you guide towards what is it that you did wrong, it is also pertinent to get some light on what you might be doing right. It not only gives you much needed encouragement & inspiration, but also helps you to keep on adding more to what your customers love about your products/ services.
Work on the Changes they Want: Once you have collected responses from your old customers via your Customer Satisfaction Survey, you can immediately shift your focus towards acting upon deriving insights and then upon extracting pointers to make amends in your existing offerings to transform them into something your customers always wanted. Sometimes, it is in fact misconduct or ill-treatment that has hurt your customer rather than a bad product or unsatisfactory service. So, make sure you find out what’s wrong and take corrective measures.
Inform them that you Fixed It: It is not only mandatory to make changes as per your customers hopes & desires but also to notify them that you have changed. You can get an appropriate customer feedback app to get the job done to locate your old customers or survey responders real time and send them personalised messages to communicate that their recommendations have been worked on a new, improved service is back. A quick revert through a smart comment on their online review is also a wise option to achieve this objective.
Keep Pace with the Competitor: It is not always something that YOU missed to do or understand that turned away your customers. At times, it is instead something that your competition did better or differently that made your old users leave your side. So, communicating with your old lost customers, , possibly with a brief survey, not only help you work on your own deliverables, but also help you to understand what is it that the competing brands are offering. This will help you gain purposeful information for making amends in your products or processes to stay relevant in the market for the long game, besides of course, winning back your once loyal customers.
At the end, remember that ‘Prevention is better than cure’. Therefore, as important it is to win your customers back, it is also very crucial to work towards identifying the customers who want to leave i.e. ‘At-risk’ customers and saving them. A befitting customer feedback app (Survtapp, for instance) can not only assists you in creating meaningful survey forms to spot any dis-satisfactory product or service issues among your customers in time, but can also let you solve these issues by telling you what your customers expect.
Timely feedback from your customers and regular updates to them about the actions taken by you – are the most basic things you need to do, lest you should lose your customers.